Programs for the academically gifted and talented are available at North Ranch. Students are identified based on the results of placement tests.
Gifted students receive accelerated and enriched instruction in mathematics and/or language arts, depending upon their area(s) of identification and needs.
For more information, visit the district gifted website.
North Ranch Gifted Options
- Cluster Grouping
- Content Replacement
- Comprehensive Gifted Classrooms KG
- Comprehensive Gifted Classrooms Gr. 1-6
Cluster Grouping
Schoolwide Cluster Grouping for Gifted Students in Grades K-6
*Cluster grouping is required for grades KG-4 and recommended for grades 5-6.
Students qualify for gifted services in the Gifted Cluster model by obtaining a score at or above the 97th percentile in any of the following areas: verbal, quantitative, or nonverbal.
In the Schoolwide Cluster Grouping model, gifted students are clustered into mixed-ability classrooms at each grade level. Classroom compositions are carefully structured with two main goals:
To ensure that there is a balance throughout the grade level
To reduce the learning range found in any given classroom
This system provides opportunities for teachers to more readily respond to the needs of all their students through enrichment, enhancement, and mild acceleration opportunities.
Cluster teachers receive monthly training in understanding, planning for, and instructing gifted students. Cluster teachers receive support from the onsite Gifted Specialist, Cluster Coach, and the Gifted Program Mentor.
Content Replacement
Content Replacement with Gifted Specialists (Grades 4-6)
Students qualify for gifted services in Content Replacement with a score at or above the 97th percentile in verbal, quantitative, or nonverbal areas.
Gifted Specialists provide content replacement and content enrichment to gifted students in each elementary school for grades 4-6. Students receive enriched, enhanced, and accelerated instruction in mathematics and/or reading, depending on their academic needs. Students receive reading and mathematics content replacement with the onsite gifted specialist in lieu of the regular grade-level curriculum provided in their homeroom classes.
Comprehensive Gifted Classrooms KG
Comprehensive Gifted Kindergarten
To apply for this program, students must meet one of the two following criteria.
Gifted qualification at 97 percentile or higher in one of these areas: verbal, non-verbal, and quantitative.
IQ of 128 or higher.
The comprehensive gifted kindergarten program is designed for high-achieving, highly and profoundly gifted students for whom advanced content is needed. Students work beyond grade level with intellectual peers and are taught by teachers who are early childhood certified and hold a gifted endorsement.
Students in this specialized kindergarten also participate in the school’s special areas and are included in all grade-level activities and field trips.
Transportation is not provided for those who are open-enrolled. Placement of special education students into comprehensive gifted classrooms is contingent upon the availability of special education services at the selected site.
Comprehensive Self-Contained KG Locations
Comprehensive Gifted Classrooms Gr. 1-6
Comprehensive Gifted Classrooms Grades 1-6
To apply for this program, students must meet one of the three following criteria, PLUS AASA results that meet or exceed grade-level standards (grades 3-6).
Gifted qualification at 97 percentile or higher in two areas, with a 90 percentile or higher in the third area; (verbal, non-verbal, and quantitative).
Gifted qualification at 97 percentile in one area, and a composite score (combined scores of verbal, non-verbal, and quantitative) of 284.
IQ of 140 or higher.
Students in this program participate in daily special areas (art, music, and P.E.), lunch, and recess with other grade-level classes. Students also participate in grade-level activities and field trips.
Transportation is not provided to students who are open-enrolled. Placement of special education students into Comprehensive gifted classrooms is contingent upon the availability of special education services at the selected site.
Comprehensive Gifted Classroom Locations for Gr. 1-6
- Desert Cove Elementary School
- Desert Trails Elementary School
- Fireside Elementary School
- North Ranch Elementary School
- Sonoran Sky Elementary School
- Sky Crossing Elementary